
In theory I have always thought it best to buy second-hand, mend clothes, upcycle, etc… but I do love to shop and love to collect. Except where Valentine’s Day is concerned. Part of what people don’t like about the day is it feel like just another reason to junk up your life with things you don’t need. You might be surprised to learn that I don’t have a house full of Valentine-themed crap. I have a few sweaters, shirts, and rings that can be worn all year round (at least I think so) but that’s about it. What I DO HAVE is a collection of homemade hearts that I made 11 years ago on my kitchen floor.

Back then I gathered lots of newspaper (you could still get newspaper easily back then) and a bucket of wheat paste and used them to make big sheets of newspaper panels. Then I painted the panels with thin coats of blood-red paint, silver paint, and some glitter, because Valentine’s Day, right? When the panels were dry I cut 45 or so hearts out of them and hung them all from my living room ceiling. I’ll try to find an old photo of that and post it to IG - it was cool. But I still have some left from the project and used them to make a big and kinda odd garland for my hallway. It’s cute and makes me smile because I have been using those same hearts for so long now and they are the only ones like them in the world.

So this year, like I say every year, if you want to give Valentine’s Day a chance gather up some supplies and make a few for your family and friends. They don’t have to be ‘good’ but they will be the only ones like it and that makes them precious.

Happy Valentine’s Day 2024 my friends.


Hey, Cookie!


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