Hey, Cookie!
When I was still in “Children’s House” or preschool, my mother blew my mind. At that time, in the early 1970’s, she was still into doing the SAHM stuff. She was good at crafts and pretty good at cooking. She made our Halloween costumes, summer dresses, and all that stuff. That part of her life didn’t last, she had other ambitions, but I loved it. It was during this time that I was part of what I think was my first school valentine exchange. My mom helped my sister and I make valentines boxes with glossy paper, glue, and glitter. I was too young to have a vote in what my valentines were going to be. She managed that and for some reason she decided that I should give out iced sugar cookies with my name on them not paper valentines. You must believe me when I say they were so excellent! Cut out hearts with pink icing and my name piped in red on each one - Mind. Blown. I carried an oversized shirt box, the kind from a department store into the school like a nascent Martha Stewart and yes, I crushed Valentine’s Day that year. Never again was it so glorious but never again was my mom what she dismissively called “a cookie mommy.”
I don’t remember if she made the same cookies for my sister. She probably did, but when I think back on it the whole episode was a special thing between just my mother and me. It’s more likely that I cared about it more than my sister did so I edited her cookies out of the story. Either way, since then making cut out cookies for Valentines’ Day has been a minor passion. I like them with red-hots to balance the sweetness and to get a nice crisp red color into my inexpert designs.
There are lots of ways to make iced cookies, even making cut outs from a tube of dough works. The day is not over so …. if you want to feel some love, even if it’s just from you for you - get into the kitchen and make some cookies with your name on it.
This year if you want to give Valentine’s Day a chance - gather up some supplies and make a few handmade valentines for your family and friends. They don’t have to be ‘good’ but they will be the only one like it and that makes them precious.
In theory I have always thought it best to buy second-hand, mend clothes, upcycle, etc… but I do love to shop and love to collect. Except where Valentine’s Day is concerned. Part of what people don’t like about the day is it feel like just another reason to junk up your life with things you don’t need. You might be surprised to learn that I don’t have a house full of Valentine-themed crap. I have a few sweaters, shirts, and rings that can be worn all year round (at least I think so) but that’s about it. What I DO HAVE is a collection of homemade hearts that I made 11 years ago on my kitchen floor.
Back then I gathered lots of newspaper (you could still get newspaper easily back then) and a bucket of wheat paste and used them to make big sheets of newspaper panels. Then I painted the panels with thin coats of blood-red paint, silver paint, and some glitter, because Valentine’s Day, right? When the panels were dry I cut 45 or so hearts out of them and hung them all from my living room ceiling. I’ll try to find an old photo of that and post it to IG - it was cool. But I still have some left from the project and used them to make a big and kinda odd garland for my hallway. It’s cute and makes me smile because I have been using those same hearts for so long now and they are the only ones like them in the world.
So this year, like I say every year, if you want to give Valentine’s Day a chance gather up some supplies and make a few for your family and friends. They don’t have to be ‘good’ but they will be the only ones like it and that makes them precious.
Happy Valentine’s Day 2024 my friends.
Trust Issues
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh, no (McCartney)
This Valentine’s Day is coming at a time that seems more uncertain than usual. Of course, every year since we started counting was also more uncertain than usual and just the last six have felt like a amusement park ride. For those who love to panic, it's a golden age.
So what’s the point of even counting down the days until Valentine’s Day? Even I admit it’s pretty silly (but I look around.
But what’s more silly is waiting for a valentine in your mailbox (on your pillow, awaiting you at your desk, etc..) and then getting worked up when nothing shows.
It’s time you know that Cupid is a self-service little chap and aims at those who are not looking for him. They don’t have time to look because they are too busy spreading their own joy - their own valentines - to everyone in their path. , so why bother?
You should bother, because there are better things to do than to look around wondering what’s next? What shoe is going to drop? What rake will humanity step on next? If you are keeping your eyes open to those folks, friends and strangers, that you encounter every day and spend your effort sharing a bit of love with them you will be able to trust that even as this tilt-a-world (I know) is spinning off in yet another direction, you can keep steady. Trust that the folks you showed kindness to will show it back to you just a little, and slow the world down if only for one day.
Friends, get your paper, markers, and glue.. It’s almost February 14th - don’t be stingy with the Valentines.
Why would one woman campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of a holiday people love to hate?
The project blog - one post a year.
Since 2015 I have been posting a Valentine’s Day photo countdown on my private social accounts. The audience was limited to people I know personally. Of that group 3, maybe 4, Valentine’s Day haters became Valentine’s Day skeptics, and 8 to 10 Valentine’s Day skeptics became full-on celebrators. It’s been hugely satisfying to have people tell me they look forward to this little campaign every year and my friends periodically contribute images for me to save for the countdown too.
For 2022 I decided it was time to either retire my personal marketing campaign for the soul of Valentine’s Day or take it public. You, dear Public, win. We are going big! Please follow and share my Instagram Account and take note that each year, for 14-days I’ll be sharing images of hearts found situations* to get you inspired enough to whip up a few valentines of your own.
My message to re-think this warm holiday in the coldest part of the year is important to me. But so is the creation and curation of the images I post. It’s a challenge that I spend the year preparing for and in the end, it’s also a cheap and meaningful way to be a collector. If this goes well I’ll come up with ways for anyone to submit images they own (with credit) but for this first public year, they will be all mine.
Please remember that Valentine’s Day should always be simple. It won’t take much of your time and should decrease any sense of inadequacy in human connection. We are going to have fun and trust me if you hand a friend a paper heart and say “Will you be my valentine?” it’s gonna be funny and they will definitely say yes.
Happy Valentine’s Day you wonderful thing, you - Xan
*mostly found IRL with a few good internet exceptions.